Maya Global Solutions
Intelligent network optimization that provides unrivaled video conferencing quality, crystal clear voice calls and responsive cloud-based applications over any type of Internet connection under any traffic conditions.

What Maya Does
Maya Global Solutions’ breakthrough technology enables crisp videoconferencing, crystal clear voice calls and responsive cloud-based applications over any WAN connection. It’s a simple yet powerful solution that saves companies money, and adds real-time visibility and security.
Maya At a Glance
Maya Global Solutions offers an intelligent network optimization solution that automatically prioritizes video and voice traffic, while managing bandwidth utilization, end-to-end, minimizing congestion up and downstream.
To learn more, download our brochure.
How We Do It
Our Internet Quality Service (IQS) technology is purpose-built to optimize video, voice and overall network traffic. We provide these benefits over one, or multiple, Internet connections, both up and down stream.
Maya's Dynamic Bandwidth Control adapts in real time to network capacity changes and prioritizes video and voice traffic flows automatically. No need for policy management.
Our solution is an affordable, set and forget service that ensures a high quality video and voice experience whether working at the office or from home.
Maya Global Solutions Partner Program
Maya's Partner Program is designed to help you build and grow a long-term, profitable business. Our Partners have experienced the following benefits:
- You can be more responsive to your clients needs as we are nimble, flexible and easy to work with
- Cost reductions in deployment, on going maintenance and support activities
- Increased market penetration in the SMB and home office markets due to our affordable price points
- A recurring revenue stream via a subscription pricing model

How Maya was Born!
Ed Basart, the co-founder and CEO of Maya, was the founder of ShoreTel. He was one of the pioneers behind VOIP and UC technology, who went on to take ShoreTel public, and later on sold the company to Mitel. Ed understands VOIP technology to the core. He also knew the achilles heel of the technology, which is when time sensitive UDP packets get overrun by large TCP downloads, distorting the voice/video quality. He founded Maya since he knew exactly how to improve the quality of VOIP/Video communication.
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